Rich's Parkside Den Leagues

Pool League
Tuesday Ball-In Hand Pool League - Week 3 - 6pm
Thursday Straight 8-Ball Pool League - Week 7 - 6pm
Saturday Night Tournaments - 7:30pm Start (7pm Signups)
How Can I Get Involved?
See one of our bartenders for more information on joining or signup below for one or more of Rich's Parkside Den pool leagues

Horseshoe League
Thursday Horseshoe League - TBD
Tuesday Horseshoe League - TBD
How Can I Get Involved?
See one of our bartenders for more information on joining or signup below for Rich's Parkside Den's horseshoe league

Cornhole League
Monday Cornhole League - TBD
How Can I Get Involved?
See one of our bartenders for more information on joining or signup below for Rich's Parkside Den's cornhole league

Dart League
Wednesday Dart League - Week 4/10 - 6pm
New Session Starts TBD
How Can I Get Involved?
See one of our bartenders for more information on joining or signup below for Rich's Parkside Den's dart league starting soon!